Sambhar Masala

Sambhar Masala :

(All ingredients are underlined)

1. Dry roast 4 tsp coriander seeds till they become little pinkish in color and a nice aroma is released. 

2. In a pan, heat 1 & 1/2 tsp oil and add 3-4 curry leaves, 2 cloves, 10-12 black peppercorn seeds, 1/2" cinnamon stick4 dried red chilies cut into small pieces, 1 & 1/2 tbsp chana dal, and 1 & 1/2 tbsp urad dal. Add 1/4 tsp asfoetida (hing) in the end, and stir fry for 2 minutes. 

3. Grind the coriander seeds and the other spices together in a grinder into a fine powder.

4. Store in an air tight container.

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